Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to Recognize Signs of Testicular Cancer

How to Recognize Signs of Testicular Cancer

Signs of testicular cancer are recognizable by self-exam in order to help you detecting this disease through the signs at early stage. First of all, it is important to learn about some facts related to the testicular cancer since it is curable forms of cancer even though it is uncommon.

It is better for you to check yourself regularly since many doctors have suggested in order performing the testicular self-exam per month. Before performing the exam, you should remove your underwear in order to expose your genitalia and take a warm shower or bath first to relax the scrotal muscle. While standing up, on elevated surface, place the right leg and gently feel the scrotal sac by locating your right testicle.

You need to explore the testicle surface in order to check for hard lumps and gently but firmly roll it between the forefingers and thumbs by using both hands. Repeat this process for the left testicle and check for any lumps or masses or even unusual appearance or swelling.

Tumor in a testicle will make it larger or heavier compared to the unaffected part. It is recommended to schedule the exam as the routine with your physician in order to discover the signs of testicular cancer

How to Recognize Signs of Testicular Cancer pictures

Signs of Testicular Cancer

How to Recognize Signs of Testicular Cancer
